Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Updates & Chat (hello Isla!)

Wed 31 July

Monday 22 July

I've been painting stones so that the kids who get dragged around venues have something to engage with.  Such good fun - if only it was a profitable business!!

Also - here is a large sea canvas I've just completed of the waves crashing in at Balevullin, Tiree, it's a deep edge canvas, 120 x 100cm. 

July already?  Spring goes too quickly with sailing & tennis as well as managing the bar in my tennis club which is taking up lots of time.  Favourite and most busy time of the year.  
I'm in the final stages of preparation for going to Pittenweem Arts Festival at the start of August, deadlines looming for completing artwork and getting pieces framed up in time.  Really hope the weather improves as our venue is again the garage at Harbour Heights on Bruce's Wynd overlooking the picturesque working fishing harbour, the Firth of Forth and the Isle of May - it truly is a marvellous spot - especially when the sun shines!  Often see dolphins swim past with the tide, having fun & chasing fish.  Gorgeous.
So here is some of more of my recent artwork that I'll be bringing to Pittenweem.  The Festival opens officially on Sat 3 August but we will be having a preview night on Fri 2 Aug from 7pm - 9pm to which you are all cordially invited!  
If you'd like any more info on any of the artwork, please text me on 07793717696 or email me  Cheers KTx

East Coast Reds - 78cm sq framed

Crinan Moorings at Sunset (sold, but limited edition prints available)

Bracing Walk at West Sands, St Andrews - 78cm sq framed

Kintyre Coastline -78cm sq framed

Sanna Bay - 78cm sq framed

Larking About

Sass & Nonsense

Let's Go Girls!

Sisters in Arms

Creased Up

WED 22 MAY 2024
I am officially useless at updating my blogspot.  Not loads of new stock as a new part time job at my tennis club as the Bar Convenor has taken up too much of my time!  However, delighted to be signed up for Pittenweem Arts Festival again this summer (3-10 August).  Here are a few new pieces..

North Uist Machair

Sea Sparkle  80cm sq

Lismore Lighthouse  37 x 44cm 

Red Roof, Barra 65 x 55cm 

Maze Shoreline, Tiree (65cm sq)

Chewbacca (left) and me

Callanish Stones

Sparkly Waves at Westport Beach

Whiting Bay, Arran

November and December have been chaotic for me with commissions, fairs, deliveries, collections, admin, organising.  Just about caught up with myself and a few days left to think about Christmas.  Have a lovely time all.

I've got my annual arty party coming up this week - looking forward to seeing the usual suspects and dancing until the early hours with the old faithful.  Anyone welcome.

A ton of life admin has got in the way of me painting these last couple months.  However, a couple of weeks ago I immersed myself in a fascinating podcast and managed to produce this very large seascape of West Sands, St Andrews.

And a super quick turnaround of my artwork.  Had to clean/fix/repair a few frames but 31 paintings are now installed in Skypark and look fantastic on their big atrium walls.  Really pleased.  And now I'm going to weed my garden.  After I've hung up my remaining paintings on the walls and put my prints away and finished my admin...


OH MY... that was helluva a busy few weeks.  Back home now from my 4th Pittenweem Arts Festival and by in large, the weather was okay since we rely a lot on outdoor space.  There were a few hectic reshuffles with rain showers and a few damaged frames from windy days but all good now.

I think I sold 18 originals and over 60 prints, so I'm pretty pleased with that since everyone is obviously watching their pennies at this time.  So nice to see returning customers and building relationships with new clients and making new friends with fellow artists and locals.  Just so much fun.  Very hard work, but loved it all.

For my next trick..... going to take 30 paintings to Skypark Glasgow tomorrow to start installation for my solo exhibition (eeeek!!!) with the opening night on Thu 24 August (5pm-8pm).  All welcome.


Oooft it's getting close now!  Off to framers/printers/supermarket to buy all their prosecco..

Please check out Gallery page if you would like to see what artwork I'll be bringing.   

THU 20 JULY 2023
Still painting away and getting prints/cards/tote bags organised for Pittenweem.  I started painting some humerous coos this week.  Quite cute.  Also have a new series of Little People that I've just uploaded to the blog Gallery.  

Also excited to announce that I will have a solo exhibition at SkyPark in Glasgow starting the week after I get back from Fife.  A lot of lovely white walls in an airy atrium for me to fill.   

WED 5 JULY 2023
Thanks to a couple of rainy weeks in Glasgow and a tennis injury, I've been painting non stop so have built up quite a lot of stock for Pittenweem.  Just over 4 weeks to go and I can't wait.  We are Venue 15 this year. Still in the garage on Bruce's Wynd with the best view over the harbour.  Incredible.

TUE 14 MARCH 2023
Pauline and I have just submitted our applications for Pittenweem Arts Festival again this year.  Opening Night Fri 4 August - cannot wait!  I'm currently balancing commissions with my front door faux stained glass project. Better get painting..

Beyond delighted that the darkness of Nov/Dec/Jan is starting to shrink.  Just been plodding along, a good few commissions and working my way back to big sea canvasses.  Also have enjoyed painting more snowdrops, heilan coos and treescapes. 

If you need any further detail on framing, sizes, prices, please get in touch. 07793 717696

Pittenweem was magic fun, the weather was great, the company was excellent, sales were flowing, socials were... err sociable.  

I've been busy doing a few commissions over the last few months and building up a stock of smaller, more affordable pieces, possibly ideal for gifting.   I am considering having an Arty Party at my house in Glasgow in early December, watch this space.

Head over to my Gallery to check out my latest artwork.  Thanks! Nice to see you again xx

FRI 22 JULY 2022
Well, a lot has changed for me in the last 18 months. Anyway.. moving on.

So excited for Pittenweem this year - was absolutely gutted it was cancelled again last summer.  I've been frantically finishing things off to get them to the framers to be ready in time.  Will be at the same venue as 3 years ago, the garage with the best view over the harbour, at Bruce's Wynd.  Venue 73.

Pittenweem Arts Festival - preview night Fri 5 August, 7pm. Come for a prosecco and a natter.  
Open every day 10-5pm until Sat 13 August.

Helensburgh Art Club Annual Exhibition - Also opening night Fri 5 August. Victoria Halls, on for a week.

Please look at my gallery for recent work.  Thank you. xx

SUN 21 FEB 2021

Hello!  So... It's been a long old time since I updated my blog, ahem.  Not much chat tbh.  Just getting on with things like everyone else.  Bor-ing.  Still painting almost every day since I don't have to help with the dreaded home schooling.  Seem to have forgotten all my higher maths, physics etc..  

Have had good load of commissions to keep me busy - dogs, a cat, beaches, mountains, beautiful scenes in Italy, Portugal amongst other things.  Desperately hoping that Pittenweem Arts Festival will go ahead this August.  Fingers crossed.  Framers are shut which is a bummer.  They will be very very busy when they get to reopen. 

I've got nice greetings cards for sale and I've finally got round to uploading the designs to my blogspot (see post "Blank Art Cards").

Here are some of my recent commissions:

*I'm going for it!*  

I realise it's not very "2020" to make plans, however, I'm a rebel.  I'm having a garden exhibition in my back garden on Sat 8 August from 12 - 6pm.  37 Essex Dr. G14 9LZ. Access through Essex Lane between Tudor and Airthrey, or alternatively round the side of my house from the front door.  (nb. stairs)

Plenty of outdoor space for physical distancing.  Hand sanitiser available. Back gate will be wide open for non contact access.  Card payments accepted.

As well as lots of new framed original artwork, I also have prints, both framed and unframed.  And my daughter Jojo will be selling her unique jewellery - she's currently working on some gorgeous sea glass pendants.  Bargain prices. 

Another batch of lockdown artwork taken to the framers yesterday.  Hopefully have it all back in time to have a garden exhibition in Glasgow on Sat 8 August if the weather plays ball..  

Just been to my framers for the first time since mid March.  Felt nice to see my colleagues again, a wee bit of normality, albeit a new normal.  First load of lockdown art being framed this week.  Next bundle being finished off this week to take in next Monday.

I'm thinking that since Pittenweem is cancelled, I might have a garden exhibition (weather permitting) in August.  More details to follow.  It's good to have something to plan for I think.

So here we are, the weirdest days of our lives.  A global pandemic - human tragedy all around.  My kids and I are safe at home - they're doing a lot of sleeping - can't say I blame them.  I can still paint from home, but like a lot of people just now I'm sure, self motivation is somewhat lacking.  Bad news and social media taking over our day to day lives.  

Pittenweem Arts Festival in August has been cancelled, it's a real shame.  Quite understand the decision though.  Just hope we all get through the other side as soon as we can and as safely as possible.

Since I have time on my hands, I'm going to update my blog with what I have currently available.  Obviously, buying art is not anyone's priority just now, rightly so.  But, feel free to have a look and lose yourself in more positive images for just a few minutes.  Take care all xx

Loads of events coming up - busy finishing paintings, framing, labelling, taking stock, organisation looks chaotic, but it's all fine.  

Sat 23 Nov
Helensburgh Art Club One day Sale
Victoria Halls, 10 - 4pm

The Glasgow Academy PTA Christmas Fayre
12 - 4pm

Thu 28 Nov
Arty Party, my house

Fri 29 Nov
Lomond School PTA Xmas Fayre
6 - 9pm, Lomond Sports Hall

Sat 30 Nov
Jordanhill School PTA Xmas Fayre
10 - 12pm

Had a lovely week away in Greece, totally relaxed.  Ok, back to work.
Gearing up for a few Xmas fayres, about to tackle my pile of unfinished paintings.  Also working on big abstract canvasses just now which is great fun but makes my studio feel quite small (& untidy!)

I'm going to have an Arty Party on Thu 28 Nov at my house, anyone is very welcome to pop along.  Please email me or text call for more details.  07793 717696

Keeping busy with commissions this month, also a few massive abstract canvasses which is great fun.  Planning to do some more big highland coos soon, going to head out with my camera this week and find some beautiful beasts happy to strike a pose...

Am thinking about holding a mini exhibition in November, either at my house or at my tennis club.  Watch this space.  

If anyone wants to hold an "ARTY PARTY" in their house, please get in touch.  I'd bring all my art work, we'd drink prosecco, have a lovely evening and on top of that, 10% commission going to the charity/cause of your choice.

Back home in Glasgow. Drying out. Unloading van. Tidying house. Sorting out paintings.  Far too many came back with me sadly.  Pittenweem suffered some fairly mixed weather which badly affected the Arts Festival.  Flooding on Wednesday caused the Festival car park to be closed for the rest of the event.  The management of contingency parking wasn't ideal (don't start me) so as a result, along with the bad weather, the footfall was way down on last year.

I'm still to do my admin but I think I sold about 12 originals and loads of prints so not a total waste.  I still had a great time and loved meeting loads of new people.  Thank you if you came to say hello.  However, I'm looking forward to getting proper sleeps now in my own bed and not getting woken up at 4am every day by the noisy seagulls!!

I have a large stock of original paintings left - anyone welcome to come round to my house in Jordanhill to see what I have.  Just call me 07793 717696 to arrange a time.  

Final paintings back from framers.  
Everything catalogued, labelled, bubblewrapped and in the van for the off tomorrow.  
Very excited.  
Also very busy.  
Must remember to sleep tonight...

Preview evening: FRIDAY 2 AUG, 7pm.  Prosecco o'clock!  
Yippppeee, bring it on!

Since returning from Tiree on Saturday I have been hard at it, finishing a few more pieces off.  Away to to the framers to get the last few framed up.  Here's one I finished today from a photo I took on Tiree last week:

Scarinish Thistles

Less panic now.  Lots of very long days working - luckily, I love painting.  

If you're in the area on Friday 2 August, please come to see Pauline and myself at venue 51, Bruce's Wynd from 7pm.  We will have prosecco - and will be better stocked this year - we ran out quite quickly last year!

I will not panic.  Plenty of time left to finish the piles of "almost finished" paintings all over my studio.  Must go to framers.  Must check print inventory. Must go to shops, must check children not on ipad all day. Must cut the grass, again.  Website updated, tick.


June? How exactly?
My venue catalogue number at Pittenweem this year is 51, with my friend Pauline Austin.  Am being very productive just now getting artwork produced and framed. 

Images of new work can be found in "Most Recent Paintings" folder.  Or on my Facebook page: Katie Littlefield Art


Hmm, end of February and I haven't updated once this year.  Busy times.  Been catching up on commissions, a couple of highland coos, a few sea canvasses, this n that.  Am going to exhibit at Pittenweem Arts Festival again this August.  Looking forward to it already.  Going to have to start producing some new artwork for that!  

January Storm - 120 x 100cm sold

Michaela - 1m square canvas - sold

Mwai - 1m square box canvas - sold

Poppies & Daisies - 80cm square - sold

Portnahaven, Islay - commission

Total failure at keeping this blogspot up-to-date.  I can't understand what happened to October and November..?  Actually 2018?  Been very busy, not just painting.  Life gets in the way sometimes.

My East Renfrewshire Art Club annual winter show is fast approaching - SATURDAY 1 DECEMBER, CLARKSTON HALL, 10-4pm.  I need to finish a couple of paintings for that, so I'd better crack on.  

I DID have five big paintings, but I'm delighted to say that I only have two of them left.  I have really enjoyed painting big.  I think I'm going to do more.  My Plockton painting looks just stunning in situ (but the room was stunning even without it!!)

So, I was hoping to take some time out and relax after Pittenweem, but that hasn't happened.  All good though.  A few commissions and orders have come through off the back of the festival, which is amazing.  I have FIVE big original paintings to unveil next week after my client has chosen one.

In the meantime, I've updated my post (MOST RECENT PAINTINGS) with some beachy beauties from Barra and Arisaig which I've just completed and a Crail painting which has gone to a lovely couple I met in Pittenweem. ☺


oh my goodness.  I have never been so exhausted/delighted/buzzing/etc etc. 

Had the BEST time in Pittenweem.  Loved everything about it.  Our venue was fantastic, nice bright clean garage with big driveway outside.  The weather, bar one day was dry & sunny, meaning we could display work and browsers outside, giving more space for people to view the work inside the garage.

West Shore, Pittenweem

We had a great preview night, lots of visitors, lots of prosecco consumed!  The first weekend was crazy busy with customers and sales.  The week was a little quieter, but still good fun, meeting so many lovely people and making new friends along the way.

Myself and Pauline Austin

Great to hang out in such a beautiful place, with an awesome view over the harbour and views of the Isle of May and Bass Rock in the Forth.  I don't think I sat down for ten days and I barely slept at night time as I was so buzzing from the day's activity.  Loved it all.

Our "Garage with a View" Gallery

22 paintings sold, 40 something prints and a stack of my greetings cards.  Commissions and orders still coming in.  I think that was a pretty successful and thoroughly enjoyable first festival.  Amazing.  Happy.


25th July.. A couple of weeks of hard graft and I'm pretty pleased with what I've managed to produce.  The kids are getting fed up of the delegated household chores including making dinner.  It's good for them, ahem.

I've just delivered my final batch of paintings to the framer to be ready for Pittenweem next week.  I leave next Thursday, my Mum's campervan will be bursting at the seams with artwork.  I'll be at Venue 19.

Still pinching myself I'm doing this.  For so many years now, people have asked me, are you doing Pittenweem this year?  I've always said, no way! That's for proper artists.. maybe one day in the future when the kids are older.  Now I'm actually going.  Eeeeeeek.

12th July! Getting so close now.  Nervous, excited, busy in equal proportions.  I picked up 8 paintings from the framers yesterday, really pleased how they've turned out.  Amazing what a nice frame and piece of glass do.

I'm away to pick up art greetings cards this afternoon too.  Lots of admin.  Photographing work, cataloging, ordering prints, bubble wrap. Not enough hours in the day... particularly when Wimbledon is on TV right now... hmmm

It's the 1st of May and I'm starting to feel a bit panicky about Pittenweem.  I have been over to Fife to take lots of photos of the East Neuk to paint, but other things have got in the way so far.  Lots of commissions though, so all good.  

Today, I'm going to get started with a beach scene of Elie.  As soon as I log off laptop... 

So is it too late on 14 March to have a New Year's Resolution?  Na.  I'm going to keep a bit more on top of my blogspot, have been giving my Facebook Art page far too much attention recently.

Very exciting news! After years of being an admiring visitor, I am finally taking a venue and bringing my artwork to the prestigious, beautiful Pittenweem Arts Festival.  This year, the dates are August 4th to 12th.  See the website for more details of the artists exhibiting.  It's WELL worth a visit.  A fantastic day (or two, or three) out.

So I'm busy working towards that, in between completing commissions - I have a wedding gift, a wedding anniversary gift and a 60th birthday present that I'm working on just now.

Better get back to work then...  Chat soon x

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